A List of the Books in the Twilight Series ...


A List of the Books in the Twilight Series ...
A List of the Books in the Twilight Series ...

Most people know by now that there are four books in the Twilight saga. In case you are new to the whole phenomenon, I’ve provided a list of the books in the Twilight series for you. Each price and link listed refers to the hardcover edition. I hope you read and enjoy them as much as I have!

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1. Book One – Twilight

Book One – Twilight Price: $11.99 at amazon.com
This is the beginning of it all. In this novel, all the characters are introduced thoroughly. A complete account of how everyone came to be in the situation they are in is revealed and leads right into the next exciting book.

2. Book Two – New Moon

Book Two – New Moon Price: $13.59 at amazon.com
Things heat up a bit more in book two. There is a new twist thrown into the mix of the already odd love found between Bella and Edward. This novel definitely has a sad beginning to it and causes you to keep reading to see exactly how it all works itself out.

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3. Book Three – Eclipse

Book Three – Eclipse Price: $11.99 at amazon.com
This book really kept me on my toes. A character that was introduced in the first book comes back with a vengeance in this novel. The action and suspense in it is truly amazing. I really liked the way this book had me scrambling to get the next edition as soon as I could.

4. Book Four – Breaking Dawn

Book Four – Breaking Dawn Price: $11.46 at amazon.com
Unfortunately, this is the final book in the series. The finale of all finales, in my opinion. This book is filled with the conflict that continues to go on between Bella, Edward, and Jacob. It’s so hard to not peek at the last chapter to see what’s going on in the end, but it is definitely well worth it to read the entire novel.

There is so much detail in every book. I hope you enjoy reading each one and bonding with the characters. Have you already started reading the series? What do you think so fa

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