5 Qa's of Astral Projection ...


5 Qa's of Astral Projection ...
5 Qa's of Astral Projection ...

I have always been interested in astral projection. Therefore, I have decided to share some of my knowledge on this topic with my readers. I am going to give you 5 Q&A’s of astral projection …

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5. What Happens when People Astral Project?

When people astral project, they experience what is known as OOBE – Out of Body Experience. This is where a part of them rises out of their physical body. They either travel on the astral plane or on the physical plane.

4. Are Normal People Able to Astral Project?

Yes, normal people are able to astral project. However, I urge you to do your research and study astral projection for awhile before you try it. It would be wrong of me not to warn my readers that astral projection can be a dangerous thing if someone does it who has no experience on what they are doing.

Frequently asked questions

3. Is Astral Projection Common?

It is said that between five to ten percent of the population is into astral projection. This is suggesting that about six million people in the UK or as many as thirty million in the United States.

2. Are There Different Types of OOBE?

Actually, yes, there are two different types of OOBE. You have involuntary and voluntary. Involuntary is done by trauma or accident.

1. What is the Typical OOBE?

It is said that a typical OOBE can only occur once in a lifetime. It will most often occur right before you fall asleep. When this is happening, you will feel if you are floating upwards.

Those are 5 Q&A’s of astral projection that I hope you found interested. Those are common questions that I have been asked by people who were wondering about astral projection. Do you have any questions you would like to ask?

Top Photo Credit: The astral traveler

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