Aliens are cute, don’t you think? Well, that all depends on how Hollywood portrays them really. But look at the alien from ET, he was a cute little guy. I am going to give you 5 things about aliens I like …
I have noticed that Hollywood has a tendency to portray aliens as sticky little creatures. However, I believe Hollywood is wrong. I believe they aren’t sticky. They’re fresh and clean looking.
I always thought this was an interesting one. Aliens don’t eat? Instead of eating, they live off of solar energy. They’re a lot like our calculators as they use the sunlight to charge their “batteries.”
They will never come to your city, unless there is a complete power blackout. Then, once they are ready to leave, they are nice enough to make sure they turn the power back on for you – isn’t that so sweet of them?
In my own personal opinion, aliens are smart. How do I know this? This is just something that I know. I know, we can’t always believe Hollywood, but if they’re as devious as people say they are – they’re smart little boogers!
Be careful, they’re watching Earth. Not only are they watching Earth, but they are also watching the people that are upon it. At least, that is what I believe. This is pretty cool.
Those are 5 things about aliens I like. I have always been interested in alien life and will continue to research it. Remember, the truth is out there. So, what do you like about aliens?
Top Photo Credit: stOOpidgErL