A Biography on Robert Pattinson ...

Melanie Jul 13, 2010

Robert Pattinson is the British actor that played as Edward Cullen in the Twilight series. He played in Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. It has been confirmed that he will be returning as Edward in Breaking Dawn.

Pattinson stated that he did not have much knowledge on the books when he had went to audition for the part. He went into it thinking that it was a vampire film that was being directed by Catherine HardWicke.

He plays the piano in one scene during the movie. During the original movie takes he played his own improvisations. Later, the scene was re-shot with him playing the ever so popular “Bella’s Lullaby. This was composed by Carter Burwell. Originally, Catherine Hardwicke has asked Robert to compose the song for him, but he refused, because it was not his thing. Two of his original songs, which he made before Twilight came out, has appeared on the soundtrack.

He has told us that he is not the athletic type. So, what about the baseball scene in the movie? No, he did not enjoy it.

His Personal Life

Robert Pattinson came into this world on May 13, 1986. He was born in London, England. His interests, besides acting, include playing the guitar, playing the keyboard and reading. He enjoys live performances and makes his own music.
Robert Pattinson - 1994 school photo (8 years old)

He denies that he uses hair products. You know, to make his hair stand up. He says that it’s like that, because he is always so used to grabbing his hair.

He has two sisters. The oldest is Victoria, who is twenty-seven and works in advertising. The youngest is Lizzy, who is twenty five and plays in the punk band Aurora. His parents are currently residing in Richmond.

Below, if you want to check out his other films that he stars in, I am going to give you the list:

2005 – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire as Cedric Diggory
2006 – The Haunted Airman as Toby Jugg
2007 – The Bad Mother’s Handbook as Daniel Gale
2009 – Little Ashes as Salvador Dali
2010 – Remember Me as Tyler Hawkins

There are some other movies that I have left out, but those are some of his better ones. Do you remember when he first appeared in Harry Potter?

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