I have always had a taste for horror movies. I’m not too much of a comedy/romantic type girl. Amongst those horror movies in my collection or shall I say “Instant Queue,” you are going to find your fair share of alien movies. Below, I am going to give you 5 movies on aliens …
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5. Cocoon
This movie was filmed in and around St. Petersburg, Florida. Yes, that is close to where I live. This is definitely a movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
4. Coneheads
Oh yes, this one was another big hit when I was a child. However, I didn’t think they were aliens back then. I thought they were strange humans with odd shaped heads. I knew something just wasn’t right about them.
3. ET
Come on, this would not be a decent aliens blog, unless I mentioned ET on here! Everyone has to love this classical alien movie. I remember watching it for the first time as a child. Today, it’s fun to watch it from an adult perspective.
2. District 9
Do you ever wonder what it would be like if aliens ever came down to earth and communicated with us humans? District 9 is a movie that you definitely need to watch.
1. AVP
AVP is an awesome movie. You have AVP 1 and AVP 2. This is the type of movie that you could watch over and over. I always love the scenes with the cute little aliens in it. Wait, did I just call the aliens cute? Sorry, I have a weird taste.
Those are 5 movies on aliens. Of course, there are many good ones that I did not include on this list such as Independence day. However, I am going to leave it to my readers to list some more cool alien movies.
Top Photo Credit: khalifa_ (away)