5 Reasons Twilight is Better than Harry Potter ...


5 Reasons Twilight is Better than Harry Potter ...
5 Reasons Twilight is Better than Harry Potter ...

Sometimes, I think that Twilight and Harry Potter are tied. They are both good stories, right? Recently, I have been doing a lot of thinking and I think I like Twilight better. Below, I am going to give you 5 reasons Twilight is better than Harry Potter, in my opinion, because I know it is all a matter of preference.

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There’s No Magic School

Yeah, this is a pretty good reason as to why Twilight is better than Harry Potter. Each year, they didn’t have to go to a school to learn their powers. They already knew their powers. However, a school for vampires would have added a cool twist to it, don’t you think?


One of the charms of the Twilight universe is the innate abilities that vampires and werewolves possess. They hone their skills through personal experience and mentorship rather than formal education. It brings a sense of realism and relatability, as everyone goes through the journey of self-discovery. Imagine having your vampire mentor casually drop hints on how to better control your thirst for blood while you're out shopping, instead of sitting in a classroom. Now, that's a fresh take on supernatural adolescence that feels uniquely Twilight!


Edward Wasn’t a Dork

Yeah, sometimes, dorks are cute. However, Harry was a bit too dorky and I can’t see why girls even liked him. I do like the stories, but I don’t really did the movies as much. However, I like both the books and movies when it comes to Twilight.


Edward Cullen, with his enigmatic allure and vampire mystique, offered a stark contrast to the often awkward and self-deprecating Harry Potter. His confident yet tormented personality exuded a dark charm that many found irresistible. He was never clumsy with his words or actions, which made him appear suave and sophisticated. In essence, Edward epitomized the classic brooding hero, which is a trope that never fails to capture hearts. Coupled with his supernatural appeal and protective nature, it's no wonder he became the epitome of teenage fantasy and a romantic figure that didn't need to resort to dorkiness to be adored.


Love Story

Harry Potter is not a love story and Twilight is. Therefore, in my opinion, I believe this would make Twilight better than Harry Potter.


The emotional core of Twilight hinges on the intense romance between Bella and Edward. Their relationship is fraught with drama, passion, and the thrill of forbidden love, which resonates with many readers, particularly those who relish the escapism of a good romance story. It's the kind of love affair that has fans fiercely invested in the characters' fates, debating Team Edward or Team Jacob, and swooning over their favorite moments. While Harry Potter does feature romantic subplots, they're just that—subplots, rather than the driving force of the narrative. Twilight, on the other hand, places love front and center, capturing the hearts of its audience in a way that's uniquely its own.


Twilight Has Vampires

I like Twilight because it has vampires in it. I think this helps to make it better than Harry Potter, don’t you? Even just a little?


Vampires add a sense of forbidden allure and mystery that is undeniably attractive. Their timeless charm and complex nature give a romantic edge that's hard to find in other supernatural tales. And let's be honest, the vampire-human love story between Edward and Bella is a magnetic narrative that pulls at the heartstrings. Twilight showcases the dilemmas and passions that come with such an enthralling bond, making it positively irresistible! The idea of immortality mixed with romance is a combination that gives the saga an added level of depth and excitement, perfectly fueling the addiction to the series.


Better Story

Personally, I think Twilight was better than Harry Potter because it had a better story to it. Twilight always had my attention and even though I liked Harry Potter, I dealt with moments of boredom.

Those are 5 reasons Twilight is better than Harry Potter. I know there are some pretty big Harry Potter fans out there that will swamp my blog with saying Harry Potter is better, but that’s fine. Nothing wrong with Harry Potter. So, are you a Harry Potter fan or Twilight? Or Both?

Top Photo Credit: donna_makes_cakes

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Haters gona hate, like always. And ofcourse you are alowed to hate twilight. But I am of the opinion that you are giving quite lame reasons for thinking twilight is better. 5. What fun are powers if they automaticly function right. learning is fun, and developing more skills makes a story or character more believable. 4.Glasses don't automaticly mean dork. Harry was an adorable little boy at the start and a fabulouse men in the end. He translated how many teenagers grow up... better then Bella does 3.A lovestory isn't automaticly a better story then a story that has a lot of different elements 2.Come on, vampire's don't sprakle! 1. Harry Potter has more plot, so it is 'sientificly' a better story (I say sientificly because this is how story's are objectively judged)

#5. FALSE! After Bella became a vampire she had to train to learn and control her powers for the upcoming war against the Voltori. Also Jasper trained newborn vampires because they couldn't control their new found strength. So no they didn't just know how to use their powers.

Twilight is about how if a creepy one hundred year old vampire watches you in your sleep, your in love because he's flawless and you smell good to him. and talking about fact that your in love all day every day is, apparently, true love and that having a boyfriend is the most important thing.

First off, I signed up to this site just to comment on this article. Second, you literally said nothing with any of your reasons (especially "There's no magic school." That reason alone makes Harry Potter better than Twilight) Third, HP taught kids that it's okay to be smart (Hermione) it's important to stand up for what is right, even if your scared (All of everyone who fought against Voldemort) that friends can be your family and family is everything. Twilight, to steal Hazel Cash's words: is about a girl who falls in love and try's to kill herself when he leaves. Also, they have sex.... But you're right. Twilight is way better than Harry Potter.

Harry potter had vampires. Smh. And had a love story.

Now, this is just senseless... Of course Harry and the Gang are better than Edward 'Disco Ball' Cullen! I know, I know, Eddiekins is your 'mister perfect' and I totally understand that girls want to find their 'one guy', but seriously... If you ask me, I think the Harry Potter series have a lot of character than the Twilight saga. J.K Rowling has taken a child's concept and turned it into her own mature, whimsical universe for adults and children alike. Also, Rowling's characters are undeniably believable, with excellent character development as the series progresses. Twilight on the other hand has extremely dull and flat characters. Bella is a mere damsel-in-distress, who is not at all independent and always needs a big strong vampire with overdeveloped muscles to save her. I don't know what you think, but I like women who can stick up for themselves and make their own decisions. I like girls who can fight back! Bella, unfortunately does not fit either description. Next, there is the overall plot which is absolutely nonexistent. The whole series is just like a big slow motion sequence in a movie where the man and the woman stare at each other romantically, while giving heavy doses of overcomplicated vocabulary. Merciless rape of a thesaurus, does NOT a writer make. In other words you can take the Twilight Saga and shove them up a monkey's ass; he'll find a better use for them...

@Brooke, Fenrir greyback is a werewolf........

Let me start off with one point, J.K. Rowling does not twist mythology to try and make it her own like your beloved Stephanie Mayer. The wearwolves are not even wearwolves becasue they can change at will... last time i checked this is not how mythology works. I think Mayer was just trying to apeal to all the fans who dont care about anything but how hot the characters are. Oh and to The Cullen Family! all i have to say to you is that everytime i see i Twilight fan try to explain why their side is better, all i get is eighther a half harted argumant like, "oh well... hp doesn't have hot vampires that glitter" (.... i really don't know how that can be liked by anyone) or they just ramble on with "TWILIGHT IS BETTER!" and don't explain themselves only because they know whatever they spew out hp fans can top it.

Gosh. TWILIGHT SUCKS and I can contradict all of your 5 reasons.:- 1.Better story. Are you shitting me. Twilight and its sparklepires can never compare with the fantastic world of j.K. Rowling's creation. Harry Potter is like roller coster . one has no idea what will happen next and we all knew that edwardidoit would be with bella in the end. 2. Twilight has vampires. SO WHAT? Harry Potter has wizards, witches, thestrals, dememtors, HOGWARTS, Albus Dumbledore and the list can go on and on.. 3. Love story. Are you kidding. Harry Potter practically screams out that love is the most powerful magic. And your definiton of love is so shallow. And Edward and bella's love is nothing but lust and hormones. 4.Edward is not a dork- Harry Potter was brave and just because he wore glasses does not make him less of a person. EDWARD CULLEN SUCKS. Harry is brave, loyal, sweet and caring and was willing to die for the world. 5. HOGWARTS WILL BE COOLER THAN ANY VAMPIRE SCHOOL and i would like to get an education if i had powers. TWILIGHT FAILS BIG TIME.

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