I can think of more than 5 reasons I like vampire movies. Vampires are always fun to watch on television. Here are my 5 reasons to like them …
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5. They’re Scary
I admit, some vampires are not scary at all. However, they do make the perfect setting for a good horror/fantasy type movie. What do you think?
4. They’re Fascinating
When I see a vampire on the screen, I definitely have to watch it. This is one creature that has always fascinated me.
3. They’re Sexy
Yeah, vampires definitely have that sex appeal. I can’t figure out what that sex appeal is all about. I always thought that maybe it is the way their teeth shape their mouth? The way they move?
2. They Have a Thirst for Blood
Vampires definitely have a thirst for blood. It’s always exciting to watch them stalk their prey as they try to keep it a secret and end up getting stalked themselves.
1. You Never Know What Their Next Move is Going to Be
That’s right, in vampire movies, it is hard to guess what their next move is going to be. Take Edward from Twilight as an example, were you ever able to guess what his next move was going to be? Yes, sometimes
Those are my 5 reasons I like vampire movies. I bet you can come up with many more reasons to like them. What are some of your reasons?
Top Photo Credit: editha.VAMPIRE GIRL<333